I found this little window over the door of the Fisherman Museum in Scalloway while visiting the Shetlands recently. Appropriate and lovely in its simplicity.
The west flushed, drove down its shutter
And night sealed all.
Peaceful the air, the sea.
A quiet scattering of stars.
The great ocean
Makes the gentlest of motions about the turning world,
A thin wash through the pebbles.
No moon this night.
Th creels lie still on their weeded ledges.
Not a sound, except far inland
The yelp of a tinker's dog.
Three days ago a storm blazed here, and drowned
Jock Halcrow among his lobsters.
There's one croft dark to-night in the lighted valley.
Fisherman by George Mackay Brown (1921-1996)